I am fundraising for VSO, supporting this incredible organisation’s projects across Africa and Asia.

Class sizes in Malawi’s schools often exceed 100 pupils. Even the most qualified teachers struggle to deliver structured, engaging lessons covering everyone’s learning style.  Now, 20,000 children are benefitting from VSO’s Unlocking Talent project that provides:

  •    Tablet computers powered by solar panels
  •     ‘Oneclass’ learning centres where children receive half an hour of interactive tuition per day
  •   Bespoke local-language apps for numeracy, literacy and English learning
  • Teacher training to manage the project, use the technology, and track progress

VSO are expanding the project to reach a further 35,000 children and they urgently need experienced teachers with an  educational technology background to deliver the project

For those of you who know me well – this kind-of has my name on it !!!
So ………….. In June I will be heading out to Malawi for 12 months to act as an Educational Specialist.  I will be leaving a very comfortable life-style, a fantastic family and some great friends to go and work in one of the poorest countries in the world..  Why ??? I have asked myself many times ( and so have my friends ! ) but I have an opportunity to use my skills and knowledge to make a lasting change to a group of people who in my wildest imagination I never thought I would ever help.  It’s a huge challenge but VSO is all about taking a challenge.
Before I depart I want to support VSO by raising as much money as I can.  By donating to my page you are not paying for one placement, you are supporting all of VSO’s vital work, enabling them to change the world through volunteering.  If you are able to help, even in the smallest way then I would be very grateful
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